Andy Sugden
past Member
Andy has been involved in ten shows with Theatre Group and is an ex-member of Theatre Group committee.
Andy is Theatre Group's Webmaster for 2015/16. This means he can edit each and every one of your profiles. This means you should be nice to him.
Committee Roles
Webmaster, Tech Liaison - 2015/16
Acting Credits
Ed Montgomery, Posh (2014)
Edwin, Blithe Spirit (2014)
Bedford, Henry V (2014)
Dumain, Shakespeare in a Week 2 - Love's Labours Lost (2013)
Blind Justice, Showcase 2013 (2013)
Ensemble, Shakespeare in a Week - Twelfth Night (2013)
Son of Macduff, Macbeth (2012) (2012)
Production Credits
Producer, Show in a Week 2016 (2016)
Director, Party (2015)
Director, Late Service, Showcase 2014 (2014)
Exploits In Our Sister Societies