

Theatre Group membership can be bought from the SUSU website. You'll need to become a member if you want to get involved in a Theatre Group show, or to vote in the AGM or any EGMs.

PLEASE NOTE: The list of "current members" on this website is not a list of people who have paid TG membership in the current year (and so are eligible to be in shows or vote). If you're not sure whether you've paid for membership this year, please contact the Treasurer.

The Committee

The Theatre Group committee meets once a week on Monday evenings during term-time to discuss the running of the society. This is where ideas are put forward and plays are pitched. All Theatre Group members are entitled to attend the meetings.

If you wish to raise a question or issue please contact the relevant committee member below, or come along to a meeting.

Kat Fevyer

Vice President:
Cicely Donnett

Treasurer & Tech Liaison:
Emily Norman

Charlotte Pearce

Publicity Officer:
Lily Akers

Morgan Allen

Social Secretary:
Megan Lawrie

Social Secretary:
Charlotte Klafkowska

Tours Officer:
Anna Wildgust

Workshops Officer:
Alex Tsherit

Workshops Officer:
Vivek Kanani

Original Writing Officer:
Melis Ensert

Welfare Officer:
Ben Mansell

Welfare Officer:
Louis Cleave

« Past Committees