Online Resources

Here we have a great range of online and downloadable resources that can aid in the production of a show. If there's anything vaguely related to any of these that you want but can't find, simply contact the Webmaster by email or on Facebook.



As a society within SUSU, we operate with respect to a constitution, that is changed and passed every year at our AGM. This dictates how committee runs the society, and can be found here.

Play Library

Not an online resource per se, but Theatre Group has a Play Library that you can browse here, and request any of the plays to read for yourself!

Pitching & Budgeting Information

The website has a detailed guide to the pitching process and writing budgets. Or perhaps you're looking for the budget template. You can also find a set of previous written pitches, previous final budgets, previous pitch budgets and previous sponsors hosted on Google Drive.


Here are all the logos that you might need when producing publicity for a Theatre Group show.

The full TG logo The small TG logo
Theatre Group full logo (.png) Theatre Group small logo (.png)
Theatre Group full white logo (.png) Theatre Group small white logo (.png)
Theatre Group full logo (.svg) Theatre Group small logo (.svg)
The Gone Rogue logo The StageSoc large logo The StageSoc small logo SUSU's logo The PA logo
Gone Rogue logo (.png) StageSoc large logo (.png) StageSoc small logo (.png) SUSU logo (.png) Performing Arts logo (.png)
Gone Rogue white logo (.png) StageSoc large white logo (.png) StageSoc small white logo (.png) SUSU logo white (.png) Performing Arts logo white (.png)
Gone Rogue logo (.svg) - - - Performing Arts logo (.svg)

Useful Links


We aim to record every show that we put on that does not require rights, and upload them for later viewing.